Block and Hempcrete
Natural, Carbon-Negative Construction
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Hempcrete Construction Materials

Natural, carbon-absorbing construction materials

Afrimat Hemp is a Cape Town-based company, pioneering and beneficiating the industrial hemp value chain in Africa.

Afrimat Hemp believes that to create a sustainable world for all generations to come, we must think differently now, and challenge the status quo.

Furthermore, we believe that it is our duty to influence a worldwide movement to reduce global carbon emissions to net zero.

We also happen to make great natural hempcrete blocks.

We specialise in:

Hemp decortication and processing

Natural building materials

Bulk processed hemp & natural fibres


We deliver comfortable, healthy, operationally efficient, and environmentally sustainable living solutions

The high performance of this natural, sustainable material makes hempcrete systems the obvious choice if you want to reduce your energy bills, your carbon footprint, and the overall impact of your building on the environment.

Afrimat Hemp Product Range

High-performance, carbon-negative construction solutions
Hempcrete Construction Materials

Decortication & Processing

More information about Hemp Decortication & Processing will be available soon. Please contact us for more information.
Blocks and Hempcrete

Hempcrete & Blocks

Non-loadbearing masonry products are designed to produce environmentally friendly infill walls such as insulating envelopes and partition walls…
airPLAST Lime Plaster

airPLAST Lime Plaster

airPLAST is a ready-mixed specially formulated lime plaster, for heritage renovation and old building repair work, that guarantees breathability in…

airCOAT Lime-Based Paint

airCOAT breathable paint is a lime-based wall coating formulated for heritage and hempcrete construction. Better breathability than conventional paints…

hempPLAST Lime Plaster

hempPLAST is a breathable lime plaster & mortar. It is waterproof and allows moisture to easily flow through the surface, reducing condensation, mould and mildew.

bioBED hemp cat litter

BioBED Hemp Cat Litter is made from 100% natural hemp shiv, which is eco-friendly, antibacterial, highly absorbent, and provides odour control.